Posted by: ilyal | March 7, 2010

Send As Email gets New Features and Twitter integration

One of my users sent me a “thank you” email the other day, and in the email requested that i add the ability to include a ‘personal message’ to attach with the blog post, and also provide the option of including only a link to the blog post, without the actual body of the post.

Great feature suggestions, and i’m happy to comply!

This new release contains the following enhancements:

  1. Ability to specify a short (up to 255 characters) personal message to be included before the body of the blog post
  2. Ability to include only the link to the post, without the text of the post
  3. Updated subject, including “New Blog Post:” prefix
  4. Twitter integration – now you can send a tweet containing the subject of your email message and a URL of the blog post. Twitter integration is disabled if you don’t specify username/password in plug-in Options.


For Twitter integration I used the Twitterizer Framework C# library.

Here are updated screenshots of the Options and Send As Email main form:

As you can see, the Options dialog now shows two sections – Email options, and Twitter options.

If you leave Twitter fields blank, the checkbox that enables tweeting from the main form is disabled.


The main form now has the options to include a personal message, and also to omit the text of the blog in the email (only a link is included).


The Personal message field is HTML encoded, so no special formatting is allowed. I didn’t want to provide a window for some yet-unknown HTML/script exploit to be delivered via email…

Download the update, give it a go, and tell me what you think!


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